View Full Version : Ζητούν σύλληψη Εσπελέτα.... “Manos Limpias"

30/03/2016, 14:51
MotoGP, Manos Limpias calls for the arrest of Carmelo Ezpeleta
The union Manos Limpias calling for the arrest of the head of the MotoGP for fraud by 70 million euro.
30 March 2016 10:54
Vito Lamorte
MotoGP, Manos Limpias calls for the arrest of Carmelo Ezpeleta

The weekend of the GP of Argentina could be monopolized by a story that has nothing to do with the track: Manos Limpias, union officials, asks for prison for Carmelo Ezpeleta, boss of MotoGP. According to a report in La Repubblica, the union for the rights and justice of the Spanish civil servants was formed a civil party in the process to the big boss of Dorna Sports and would therefore requested preventive detention motivated by the "severity and recurrence of the facts" and "the danger of escape abroad ". In the newspaper it comes to 70 million euro fraud. Manos Limpias had already denounced Ezpeleta for contrversia took place at the Jerez circuit put under the magnifying glass the company that manages the circuit, the Cirjesa, of which the CEO of Dorna's adviser: in that case spoke of a lack of 4 million business thanks to a double matrix ticket system. Carlo Bottero, owner of Sel that up last year with the Sport & Events logistic cared transport in the world of Dorna, would rise to an avoidance system with Dutch crossroads to dribble the Spanish Iva: "I was forced to formally refer at Amsterdam, but in reality everything was going through the offices of Dorna in Barcelona and Madrid. I was not there and they let me out. " For the CEO of the Spanish company that manages the commercial aspects and the organization of the World Championship has been forwarded the "prison question provisional", ie the preventive arrest request. Ezpeleta already hung on the 3.9 million euro fine received in March for non-payment of over EUR 25 million of taxes in 2003-2004.

continues on http://motori.fanpage.it/motogp-manos-limpias-chiede-l-arresto-di-carmelo-ezpeleta/

https://translate.google.gr/?hl=el&tab=wT#auto/el/MotoGP%2C%20Manos%20Limpias%20chiede%20l%E2%80%99arresto%20di%20Carmelo%20Ezpeleta%0AIl%20sindacato% 20Manos%20Limpias%20chiede%20l%27arresto%20del%20capo%20della%20MotoGP%20per%20frodi%20da%2070%20mil ioni%20di%20euro.%0AMotoGP%0A30%20marzo%202016%2010%3A54%0Adi%20Vito%20Lamorte%0AMotoGP%2C%20Manos%2 0Limpias%20chiede%20l%27arresto%20di%20Carmelo%20Ezpeleta%0A%0AIl%20weekend%20del%20GP%20d%27Argenti na%20potrebbe%20essere%20monopolizzato%20da%20una%20notizia%20che%20non%20ha%20niente%20a%20che%20fa re%20con%20la%20pista%3A%20Manos%20Limpias%2C%20sindacato%20dei%20funzionari%20pubblici%2C%20chiede% 20il%20carcere%20per%20Carmelo%20Ezpeleta%2C%20capo%20della%20MotoGP.%20Secondo%20quanto%20riporta%2 0La%20Repubblica%2C%20il%20sindacato%20per%20i%20diritti%20e%20la%20giustizia%20dei%20funzionari%20p ubblici%20spagnoli%20si%20%C3%A8%20costituito%20parte%20civile%20nel%20processo%20al%20grande%20capo %20di%20Dorna%20Sports%20ed%20avrebbe%20quindi%20richiesto%20la%20carcerazione%20preventiva%20motiva ta%20dalla%20%22gravit%C3%A0%20e%20reiterazione%20dei%20fatti%22%20e%20%22dal%20pericolo%20di%20fuga %20all%27estero%22.%20Sul%20quotidiano%20si%20parla%20di%2070%20milioni%20di%20euro%20di%20frode.%20 Manos%20Limpias%20aveva%20gi%C3%A0%20denunciato%20Ezpeleta%20per%20una%20contrversia%20avvenuta%20pr esso%20il%20circuito%20di%20Jerez%20mettendo%20sotto%20la%20lente%20d%27ingrandimento%20la%20societ% C3%A0%20che%20gestisce%20il%20circuito%2C%20la%20Cirjesa%2C%20di%20cui%20il%20CEO%20della%20Dorna%20 %C3%A8%20consigliere%3A%20in%20quel%20caso%20di%20parlava%20di%20una%20mancanza%20di%204%20milioni%2 0di%20incassi%20grazie%20a%20un%20sistema%20di%20biglietti%20a%20doppia%20matrice.%20Carlo%20Bottero %2C%20titolare%20di%20Sel%20che%20fino%20allo%20scorso%20anno%20con%20la%20Sport%20%26%20Events%20lo gistic%20curava%20i%20trasporti%20nel%20mondo%20della%20Dorna%2C%20si%20sarebbe%20ribellato%20a%20un %20sistema%20di%20elusione%20con%20crocevia%20olandese%20per%20dribblare%20l%27Iva%20spagnola%3A%20% 22Ero%20costretto%20formalmente%20a%20fare%20riferimento%20all%27indirizzo%20di%20Amsterdam%2C%20ma% 20in%20realt%C3%A0%20tutto%20passava%20per%20gli%20uffici%20della%20Dorna%20a%20Barcellona%20e%20Mad rid.%20Non%20ci%20stavo%20e%20mi%20hanno%20fatto%20fuori%22.%20Per%20il%20CEO%20della%20societ%C3%A0 %20spagnola%20che%20gestisce%20gli%20aspetti%20commerciali%20e%20l%27organizzazione%20del%20Motomond iale%20%C3%A8%20stata%20inoltrata%20la%20domanda%20di%20%22prison%20provisional%22%2C%20ovvero%20la% 20richiesta%20di%20arresto%20preventivo.%20Su%20Ezpeleta%20pendeva%20gi%C3%A0%20la%20multa%20da%203% 2C9%20milioni%20di%20euro%20ricevuta%20a%20marzo%20scorso%20per%20il%20mancato%20pagamento%20di%20ol tre%2025%20milioni%20di%20euro%20di%20tributi%20nel%20biennio%202003-2004.%0A%0Acontinua%20su%3A%20http%3A%2F%2Fmotori.fanpage.it%2Fmotogp-manos-limpias-chiede-l-arresto-di-carmelo-ezpeleta%2F%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmotori.fanpage.it%2F

30/03/2016, 14:57
Μάλλον καλά τα λέει ο Μάνος ο Λιμπιάς :D, αλλά δεν νομίζω να βρει άκρη...
όλα έγιναν προς όφελος του αθλήματος :p
ήταν ατύχημα κλπ...

30/03/2016, 15:09
Μάλλον καλά τα λέει ο Μάνος ο Λιμπιάς :D, αλλά δεν νομίζω να βρει άκρη...
όλα έγιναν προς όφελος του αθλήματος :p
ήταν ατύχημα κλπ...
Οι μανος θελουν νατον χωσουνε μεσα γιατι λεει
« κίνδυνος διαφυγής στο εξωτερικό » λετε να την κανει και να τον ψαχνουν :D

[σε καποιο μερος που δεν εκδιδουν καταζητουμενους :lol: σιγα μην κανει τουφα ]

30/03/2016, 18:10
Ζητούν σύλληψη Εσπελέτα.... “Manos Limpias”, (καθαρά χέρια)
Η κατηγορία είναι για απάτη του ύψους των 70 εκ ευρώ με πλαστές αποδείξεις.
Το αίτημα για την σύλληψη δικαιολογείται όχι από τις υπόνοιες της φυγής αλλά
από τη σοβαρότητα του αδικήματος....
Δεν είναι όμως η πρώτη φορά που το όνομα του Εσπελέτα αναφέρετε σε σκάνδαλο
Πριν καιρό, σαν σύμβουλος διαχείρισης της πίστας της Jerez τον είχαν καταγγείλει
για διπλά βιβλία και έλημα 4 εκ ευρώ.
La Repubblica

31/03/2016, 07:31
Σωστα πριν λιγο καιρο παλι ειχα διαβασει κατι .
Για να δουμε ομως θα δωσει το παρον στην Αργεντινη ?

31/03/2016, 08:43
Λέτε να του την έχει κάνει ο Ρόσσι και βρήκε το Μάνο το Λιμπιά για μπροστάρη...? :D