
View Full Version : ti eipe o rossi meta ton agwna

20/04/2004, 22:58
“At the end of the race I had a different emotion to normal - usually when I win I’m really happy but this time it was more and I had to stop for a moment with my bike to take it all in. ,” explained Rossi. “This is the best race of my career, it’s a real surprise for us, for everyone, and it’s difficult to explain the emotion.

“The weekend was perfect, starting with Friday. I rode well and I worked very well with the team. For me the race was perfect as well, starting from pole, I had a good rhythm and a good fight with Biaggi. I want to say a big thanks to my mechanics, especially Jeremy Burgess, and to Yamaha for all their efforts.

“The bike was quite good at full distance, although the tyres did start to move a bit after seven or eight laps, but after that they stayed constant and the bike stayed with me. I was slower in some parts, faster in others but I knew I couldn’t make any mistakes if I wanted to win.

“Yamaha has made such a great effort and so much work to change their situation. Today’s race showed that the level of this sport has greatly increased since last year but winning a race like this is not a miracle, it’s down to all the hard work we’ve put in. It was fantastic!”.

21/04/2004, 19:14
Ωραια τα λεει....;)

22/04/2004, 03:46
Αρχικά δημιουργήθηκε από gmakris
Ωραια τα λεει....;)

Τόσο απλά και γλυκά τα κάνει να φαίνονται...
