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Θέμα: Βασανισμός ζώων

  1. #1
    Του χάροντα παράγγειλα Το avatar του/της angels_gr

    Βασανισμός ζώων

    Δείτε πως κάποια τέρατα της ανθρωπότητας βασανίζουν ανυπεράσπιστα ζώα. Τα γδέρνουν ζωντανά!!! Τους είναι δύσκολο να τα σκότωναν πρώτα!!!


  2. #2
    Βελτιωμένος Ύπνος...... Το avatar του/της maintenance
    Ποιά είναι τα ΖΩΑ;

    η επιβίωση του Ηλιθίου!


  3. #3
    Να γράφει το κοντερ...... Το avatar του/της Maira
    Δε μπόρεσα να δω κάν το μισό! Δεν το πιστεύω πως υπάρχουν τέτοιοι άνθωποι! Μακάρι να πληρώσουν με το ίδιο νόμισμα! Να χάνουν τη σάρκα τους σιγά σιγά και να μην μπορούν να πεθάνουν!

    Να υποφέρουν όσο υποφέρουν και τα ζώα που βασανίζουν!!!

    :a015: :a015: :a015: :a015: :a015: :a015:
    ....Έχω επιλεκτική ακοή. Συγνώμη δεν επιλέχτηκες.......

  4. #4
    μακρια από σκυλαδες, ρατσιστες και απαιδευτους

  5. #5
    non serviam Το avatar του/της kachius

    δε μπηκα καν στον "κόπο" να το δω...

    ...μου έφτανε η περιγραφεί να μου χαλάσει τη μέρα

    Ξέρω από βέσπα!

  6. #6
    Παλαιό μέλος Το avatar του/της Λεωνίδας
    Γιατί πώς νομίζατε ότι καταλήγει η μπριζόλα, το μπιφτέκι η το λουκάνικο στο πιάτο σας; Από ζώα που αυτοκτόνησαν;

  7. #7
    Να γράφει το κοντερ...... Το avatar του/της Maira
    Αρχικά δημιουργήθηκε από Λεωνίδας
    Γιατί πώς νομίζατε ότι καταλήγει η μπριζόλα, το μπιφτέκι η το λουκάνικο στο πιάτο σας; Από ζώα που αυτοκτόνησαν;

    Τουλάχιστον πέθαναν σχεδόν ακαριαία! Όχι έτσι! Έιναι..............δεν υπάρχει λέξη!!!!!

    ....Έχω επιλεκτική ακοή. Συγνώμη δεν επιλέχτηκες.......

  8. #8
    μ αρεσει που διαχωρίζετε το ΦΟΝΟ σε επίπονο και μη
    μακρια από σκυλαδες, ρατσιστες και απαιδευτους

  9. #9
    Παλαιό μέλος Το avatar του/της Λεωνίδας
    Αρχικά δημιουργήθηκε από Maira
    Τουλάχιστον πέθαναν σχεδόν ακαριαία! Όχι έτσι! Έιναι..............δεν υπάρχει λέξη!!!!!

    Δυστυχώς δεν είμαι καθόλου σίγουρος γι'αυτό...
    http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs....ive_transport3 (για γερά στομάχια)

  10. #10
    μακρια από σκυλαδες, ρατσιστες και απαιδευτους

  11. #11
    Αρχικά δημιουργήθηκε από Λεωνίδας
    Γιατί πώς νομίζατε ότι καταλήγει η μπριζόλα, το μπιφτέκι η το λουκάνικο στο πιάτο σας; Από ζώα που αυτοκτόνησαν;

    ακριβως το ιδιο:a24:
    Warning!! Motorsports can be Dangerous....

  12. #12
    Wild Horses Killed

    More than 450 wild horses have been killed in Nevada. Some people say it is worse than when all the buffaloes were killed. Many of the horses were shot while running.

    The land they were on belongs to the government. Twenty-eight thousand horses share the land with six million cattle. Cattlemen say the horses are crowding the cattle out. One rancher said that there is a range war going on. Both the cattle and the horses need the water and grass that is on the land.

    The law protects wild horses. The president of the Nevada cattleman group also helps to protect the horses. He says that he does not like what is happening to the horses, but he does want the government to help keep the number of horses low.

    Some people think the Navy used the wild horses for target practice. Pilots fly over the area where the horses were found. The horses were found far from the nearest road. The killings happened over a large area. It has been happening for the last two years. The Navy said that they do not let their pilots kill horses.

    Some people think that the horses should be gotten rid of. Others think that they should stay. In the meantime, the police will try to figure out who did it.


    (sto link μερικές φωτό από την άγρια ομορφιά)
    μακρια από σκυλαδες, ρατσιστες και απαιδευτους

  13. #13

    Trained by pain
    Circuses force animals to perform tricks that have nothing to do with how these magnificent creatures behave in the wild. These unnatural acts range from a tiger jumping through a flaming hoop to bears riding bicycles. Animals are sometimes injured while performing: tigers, who naturally fear fire, have been burned jumping through flaming hoops. Training animals to perform acts that are sometimes painful or that they do not understand requires whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods and other tools. Elephants are trained through the use of an ankus—a wooden stick with a sharp, pointed hook at the end to discourage undesired behavior. An elephant handler will never be seen working with an elephant without an ankus in one hand or discreetly tucked under his arm. Although an elephant’s skin is thick, it is very sensitive—sensitive enough to feel a fly on her back. The ankus is embedded into elephants' most sensitive areas, such as around the feet, behind the ears, under the chin, inside the mouth, and other locations around the face. Sometimes it is used to smash them across the face. Circuses claim to use "positive reinforcement" and to base their tricks on behaviors that animals carry out naturally. If this were true, however, the trainers would be carrying bags of food treats, not a metal weapon.

    Travel can be torture
    Animals in circuses either travel in 18-wheelers or by train. During transport and between performances, tigers, who in the wild would secure 75-2,000 square miles, are kept in cages with barely enough room to turn around. Elephants, who walk up to 25 miles a day with their families in their natural habitat, are shackled in chains by their front and back legs so that they can't take a step forward or backward. They are forced to eat, sleep, and defecate in the same trailers, where they can be kept for stretches of more than 24 hours. Often the animals are not let off the railroad cars immediately upon arrival in their destination, either because of traffic conditions or because the train arrived too early or late. In this instance, the animals are forced to wait inside of the railroad cars for hours—even in extreme temperatures.
    Circus schedules are created to maximize attendees, not to accommodate the animals from which they profit. Some of the many U.S. circuses that use animals travel as many as 48 weeks out of the year and cover thousands of miles. Some circuses go to warmer states in the summer, even though the animals may suffer in extreme temperatures. The same unfortunate situation occurs in the winter in colder areas. These factors exacerbate the already stressful conditions caused by confinement and transport.

    Life in captivity
    Even if conditions were improved and humane methods of training were used, the fact is that keeping wild animals in captivity deprives animals of much of what they value in life. Elephants, tigers, chimpanzees, and other animals used in circuses are complex creatures—not robots to be stacked in boxes and hauled to the next show. Animals have relationships with other members of their species and would naturally live in social groups or families. Baby elephants generally stay with their mothers for fifteen years if they are male and their entire lives if they are female. Yet in circuses, baby elephants are ripped from their mothers' sides as young as one year old because baby elephants are cute and draw a crowd which in turn helps the circus reap profit. Animals value exploring their environment, nurturing their young, courting and mating, and playing with others. However, in captivity, they are prevented from doing all of these things and instead live a life based on human wants and whims.
    Lives of constant confinement and frustration of natural instincts force animals into a state of neurosis. Elephants in circuses constantly sway back and forth in their chains, and tigers constantly pace in their cages. These repetitive behaviors are symptoms of deep psychological distress due to being deprived of fulfilling their natural instincts. Animals can resort to self-mutilation from lack of psychological stimulation. These animals belong in their natural environments in the jungles of Africa and Asia—not in American arenas and parking lots.
    μακρια από σκυλαδες, ρατσιστες και απαιδευτους

  14. #14
    να ποστάρω κι αλλα ή αρκούν ?
    μακρια από σκυλαδες, ρατσιστες και απαιδευτους

  15. #15
    the sad reality pit bulls' life


    (μην ανοίξετε αυτό το λινκ αν δεν αντέχετε!!)
    μακρια από σκυλαδες, ρατσιστες και απαιδευτους

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