Alert number: A12/1957/18
Product: Motorcycle
Name: MT-07, Tracer700, XSR700
Batch number / Barcode: Vehicles manufactured between 2016 and 2018 are affected.
Risk level: Serious
Category: Motor vehicles
Brand: Yamaha
Type / number of model: Type-approval numbers: e13*168/2013*00040, e13*168/2013*00024, e13*168/2013*00025, e13*168/2013*00003, e13*168/2013*00004; type: RM17, RM14, RM15, RM11, RM12
Risk type: Injuries
The chain guard may become detached and fall onto the road.
This can lead to accidents.
Measures taken by economic operators: Recall of the product from end users (By: Manufacturer)
Description: Motorcycle. Company recall code: MT07
Country of origin: Japan
Alert submitted by: Germany