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Θέμα: Ανάκληση για Yamaha MT-07 / XSR700 / Tenere 700

  1. #1
    Παλαιό μέλος Το avatar του/της THRESH

    Ανάκληση για Yamaha MT-07 / XSR700 / Tenere 700

    Tο είδα το θέμα στο bikeit αλλά δε βρήκα παραπάνω πληροφορίες.

    Τελικά το webike έχει τα εξής

    [Recall Info.] YAMAHA TENERE700 / XSR700 / MT-07 Defective Clutch Plates

    ■Date of Notification of Recall Measures
    November 5, 2024

    ■Recall Measure Notification Number

    ■Recall Measures Start Date
    November 6, 2024

    ■Name or Title of Notifier
    YAMAHA Motor Co.
    Katsuaki Watanabe, President and Representative Director

    Customer Communication Center
    TEL: 0120-090-819

    ■Defective Part (Part Name)
    Power Transmission Device (Clutch Plate)

    ■The status of the structure, equipment or performance that is deemed to be in a state of non-compliance with the standards and its cause
    In a power transmission device, due to improper management of the clutch plate, the rust prevention oil remaining on the clutch plate mixes with the wear powder of the friction material of the friction plate, and when heat is applied during driving, a sticky substance is generated and is not discharged. As a result, the power transmission does not cut off even when the clutch lever is pulled, and in the worst case, the vehicle may move forward when stopped.

    ■Details of the Improvement Measures
    The clutch plates on all motorcycles will be replaced with countermeasures and the friction plates will be replaced with new ones.

    ■Number of Defects:
    71 cases

    Nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia, esp. var. culta)

    ■Motivation for Discovery
    Depends on information from the market.

    ■Measures to inform motor vehicle users and overhaul service providers
    ・Users: Notify by direct mail.
    ・Automobile Service Providers, etc.: The information will be published in the bulletin issued by the Japan Automobile Dealers Association.
    ・The information will be posted on the Company's Internet homepage.

    ■Recall Corresponding Model
    ・Common Name: TENERE700.
    ・Type: 8BL-DM13J
    ・VIN Number: DM13J-000708 to DM13J-001688
    ・Production Period: January 20, 2023 - August 5, 2024
    ・Number of Vehicles Subject to Recall: 981 units

    ■Common Name: XSR700
    ・Type: 8BL-RM41J
    ・VIN Number: RM41J-000928 to rm41J-001944
    ・Production Period: December 13, 2022 - November 14, 2023
    ・Number of Vehicles Subject to Recall: 872 units

    ■Common name: MT-07
    ・Type: 8BL-RM33J
    ・VIN Number: RM33J-001560 to RM33J-002547
    ・Production Period: December 5, 2022 - July 31, 2024
    ・Number of Vehicles Subject to Recall: 916 units

    ■Total: 2,769 units
    ・Total: 3 Models, Total: 3 Vehicles

    (Remarks) The range of VIN numbers of vehicles subject to recall includes vehicles that are not subject to the recall.

    ■ Items that are shipped as replacement repair parts and the vehicle in which they were assembled cannot be identified.

    ・Name of Parts to be Covered: Plate, Clutch 2
    ・Part Number: 5VY-16325-10
    ・Shipping period of the subject parts: February 10, 2023 - August 30, 2024
    ・Number of Parts: 3,569 pieces
    ・Remarks: TENERE700, MT-07, XSR700

    ・Name of Parts to be Covered: Clutch Plate Kit
    ・Part Number: 1WS-W001g-00
    ・Shipping Period of the Subject Parts: February 11, 2023 - February 26, 2024
    ・Number of Parts: 26 pcs.
    ・Remarks: TENERE700, MT-07, XSR700

    ・Name of Parts to be covered: Clutch Plate Kit
    ・Part Number: 1WS-W001G-10
    ・Shipping period of the subject parts: May 19, 2023 - August 22, 2024
    ・Number of Parts: 93 pcs.
    ・Remarks: TENERE700, MT-07, XSR700

    ・Total: 3,688 units
    Vehicles assembled with replacement repair parts will undergo the same improvements.


  2. #2
    Παλαιό μέλος
    Εκεί που γράφει Αccident,από κάτω τι λέει,λάθος έχει γίνει;

  3. #3
    custom freak Το avatar του/της doctor_john
    To κόλλημα των δίσκων δημιουργεί ατυχήματα στην χλωρίδα με κάποιο τρόπο

    Ωραίοι, κάτι δεν πήγε καλά και το επικοινωνούν για αντικατάσταση. Μπόνους ποιότητας για τις μοτό.

  4. #4
    Νέο μέλος Το avatar του/της Chris_symphony
    Στο tracer 7 είναι συχνό φαινόμενο πλέον.. Ξέρω 4 άτομα που είχαν αυτό το πρόβλημα. Κ πριν 1 μήνα με το ζόρι να το περάσουν για αλλαγή στην εγγύηση!!

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